Titus Project vision


Titus Project Was Born Out Of A Vision To Bring Bible Training To Areas Of The World Where There Is Great Need, Great Hunger, And Limited Opportunity To Receive Bible Training Otherwise.


China – This nation alone has 1.3 billion people!  The underground church is spreading so rapidly that the need for solid Bible teachers is overwhelming.

Eastern Europe: In one particular place after communism fell, thousands of people got saved and 200 churches were planted.  A few years later, the number of churches dwindled to 20 because of a lack of Bible training and continued discipleship among the believers.

Indonesia: an informal survey was conducted asking believers what their greatest need is.  Without hesitation, the reply was, “Bible teachers!”


Our Mission

We aim to provide training for pastors, church leaders, church planters, and the general body of Christ by passing along tools for Inductive Bible Study so that both leaders and lay people can more effectively study God’s Truth for themselves and then in turn pass that along to others.

Outreach Preparation | 3 Weeks


Preparing A Lecture
Presenting A Lecture
Creative Teaching
Reaching Oral Communicators
Ministering Cross-Culturally
Teaching Through A Translator
Team Dynamics
How To Preach Inductively
Teaching Methods And Models
Practice And Evaluation

Outreach | 8.5 Weeks


Inductive Method Overview
Inductive Bible Study Seminars
Bible Overview
Topical Teachings (Upon Request)


Inductive Sermons


Mercy Ministry

Celebration | 0.5 Weeks


Celebration Dinner
Personal Growth Assessment
Outreach Stories
Country Information


Training Evaluation
Outreach Evaluation
Staff Evaluation

Global Locations

Global Languages



We desire to see every major language in the world have a location option to participate in Titus Project

We desire to see every SBS location running a Titus Project after their program.

Titus Project Values

01 We value people
as the object of God’s love and favor,
and therefore of the highest concern

02 We value the Bible
as the inspired Word of God, and as
such, containing the foundational
truths necessary for Christian belief
and lifestyle.

03 We value the Inductive Method
as an excellent way to study the
Bible and achieve the goal of
knowing God and rightly applying
His Word.

04 We value learning
believing that as Christians we are
called to grow into maturity in the
knowledge of God and our daily walk
with Him.

05 We value excellence in
to effectively convey the truth of
God’s Word.

06 We value an environment that
enables the personal growth
of each individual and promotes
team unity.

07 We value bringing Biblical
training to church leaders
believing that church leaders are
our most effective target; and
that as they are trained up, they
will in turn train their people.

08 We value prayer
as important in all that we do, and
foundational for all decision making.

09 We value personal discipline
and development
believing we are called to be
stewards of all that God has given

10 We value the School of Biblical
as a course that provides a
foundation in equipping people to
understand and study the Bible.