Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What if I don’t know how to teach?

You don’t need previous teaching experience to participate in the program.  The purpose of the 3-week Outreach Preparation Time is to help equip you with skills that will increase your effectiveness as a teacher. You will also give and be evaluated on 4 practice teachings which will help prepare you for teaching on outreach.

How much does Titus cost?

Costs vary according to each location.   Please visit the Dates and Locations page for links to each location.

Do I need to complete the full 9-month SBS in order to participate in Titus?

Yes, the prerequisites for Titus Project are SBS I, II, and III (CHR 213, 315, 316).

Outreach Preparation Time

Can I attend just the outreach preparation time and not go on outreach?

We really encourage everyone to complete the full 12-week program. The whole point of Titus is to take Bible training to the nations. We do firmly believe in the outreach preparation time and we spend the first 3 weeks doing this to the best of our ability. However, training up teachers is the means to the goal, not the end goal itself. The outreach phase is where everything you learned in SBS becomes practical. Therefore, we do not accept participants for only the first 3 weeks except under very unique situations.

Why do you spend 3 weeks in preparation?

Why not just send the teams straight out to teach?

Although the outreach preparation time is brief, it does make a huge difference in the ability and effectiveness of the teacher. The three weeks are designed to specifically equip participants for what they will be teaching on outreach. In addition to learning how to prepare and present lectures, we believe that the training we offer on learning styles, reaching oral communicators, and ministering cross-culturally are invaluable to the effectiveness of the teams and the individual teachers.

Outreach Questions

Am I able to pick which country I will go to on outreach?

We will prayerfully take your preference(s) into consideration when determining outreach teams and locations, but we can’t guarantee that you will be able to go where you want.  We need to consider several factors such as team size, make up of teams (personality, gender, nationalities, etc.), visa requirements, staff availability, and prior commitments to other locations.  We thank you in advance for your flexibility and willingness to be sent with whichever team your program leader feels is most suitable in light of all the given factors.

How big will my team be?

We try to keep teams small so that everyone has ample opportunity to teach.  Small teams are also easier to host.  We aim for each team to have 1 staff leader and 2-3 participants.

Am I able to stay longer than 8 weeks for my outreach?

We frequently have had staff or participants who stay beyond the 2 months of outreach.  We are excited to see people who have a long-term vision for missions, and we PRAY that people will get a long term heart for the countries they go to and either stay or return long-term.

Can I do more than one outreach?

Yes!  You can also consider joining staff or pioneering a new Titus Project location.

More Questions? Send us a message!