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Titus Project International

The heart of Titus Project International is to uphold the vision and values of Titus Project and facilitate connection and support among our various locations. Titus Project was pioneered with the vision to bring Bible teaching to places around the world in great need. Since its beginning in1996 Titus Project has multiplied to every continent and currently has around 20 operating locations worldwide. We desire to see Titus Project continue to grow and fulfill its vision of bringing Bible training to the nations.


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Titus International

Primary Roles

Vision and Strategy
Program Oversight


We believe God has given Titus Project a specific calling and strategy to bring Bible training to areas of the world with less resources and greater need. Our goal is to steward this calling.

Titus International Role

  • Promote and pass on the vision and DNA of Titus Project
  • Provide support for the development and strengthening of Titus worldwide (including the development from a 3-month program to a year-round ministry)
  • Set strategic goals and encourage vision for the multiplication of Titus programs

Program Oversight

In order to serve both our participants and the audiences we will be teaching on outreach, Titus Int’l aims to ensure that the Titus Project program maintains a standard of quality, effectiveness, and consistency across each location.

The goal of the 3-week Training/Outreach Preparation time is that participants will be equipped in practical ways so as to make their teaching on outreach as effective as possible.

The goal of Outreach is that our audiences will be encouraged and equipped with tools to be able to study the Bible on their own.

The goal for the Debriefing and Celebration time is that participants will be able to celebrate what God has done and be well-debriefed and ready to head back into life and further ministry.

Titus Project International Role In Program Oversight

  • Uphold the vision of Titus being outward-focused, bringing Biblical training to places of great need
  • Uphold the ministry standards and values of Titus Project
  • Continually evaluate the Titus Project curriculum to ensure it remains effective and culturally adaptable and that it reaches the goal of equipping teachers to be effective in bringing Biblical training to the nations
  • Oversee the development and updating of resources
  • Help the Titus program remain uniform among the various locations (i.e. no matter where a person does Titus, they are getting a similar experience)
  • Help locations understand and be able to work within the U of N requirements


In the earlier days of Titus, our leaders all knew each other, regularly communicated together, and supported one another. We were a Titus family. We want to continue and promote a culture of being a family. We believe that as we support each other and are connected to the bigger picture, we will be more effective in the ministry God has called us to.

Titus International Role

  • Foster a culture of teamwork, collaboration, and support among the Titus locations
  • Connect with leaders around the world to encourage and offer guidance
  • Serve as a central point of contact for inquiries, requests, and information sharing within the ministry
  • Organize Titus consultations (gatherings for Titus leaders and staff to mutually encourage, connect, and receive further training)
  • Interface with SBSes, represent Titus at SBS gatherings, and promote Titus alongside SBS
  • Create awareness and connect Titus with other YWAM initiatives (e.g. EBPN)
  • Encourage prayer support between the locations
  • Maintain a central communication platform

Staff Training and Support

As Titus continues to grow and multiply around the world, we want to make sure all of our Titus leaders feel equipped to oversee the Titus Project program and ministry at their location.

Titus International Role

  • Walk alongside new leaders to ensure they understand the heart, vision, and DNA of Titus
  • Equip leaders in knowing how to run the outreach preparation time and set up effective outreaches
  • Develop staff training resources to further equip Titus leaders and staff



Home Country: USA

Current Residence: Montana, USA

DTS: 1992 / Montana, USA

SBS: 1993-94 / Montana, USA

Pioneered Titus 1996, Montana, USA

After completing her SBS, Amy joined SBS staff in Montana for two years. During her second year on staff, she had the opportunity to go on a teaching outreach to Ukraine. It was during this outreach that she began to realize and experience first hand the immense need around the world for Bible training. God began putting it on her heart to form SBS outreach teams to help meet this need. At this same time, the SBS leaders in Montana came to Amy and asked if she would be willing to start an outreach department for SBS graduates — and thus Titus Project was born. Amy’s heart is to see Bible training be brought to areas of the world where people are hungry for training but lack the resources and opportunity. She loves teaching and creating resources to help meet this need.



Home Country: Australia

Current Residence: Montana, USA

DTS: 1996 / Adelaide, South Australia

SBS: 1997-98 / Montana, USA

Titus: 1999 / Montana, USA

Michael met Amy while doing his SBS in Montana in 1997-98. After they married, Michael began serving with Titus Project for two years and then staffed SBS for two years. In 2003, the Stevens moved to Taiwan to pioneer Titus Project, believing Taiwan to be a key location to send out Chinese-speaking Bible teachers. During the past twenty years in Taiwan, Michael has continued to assist with Titus Project, staff SBS, and serve the base in various capacities. Michael has a love for Bible teaching and to see Bible teaching brought to the nations.




Home Country: Ukraine

Current Residence: Ukraine

DTS: 2004 / St. Petersburg, Russia

SBS: 2010-11 / Montana, USA

Titus: 2011 / Lonavala, India

Since joining YWAM in 2004, Sonya has been involved in various ministries and training programs and has also led different projects and courses. Her journey as a Bible teacher started with SBS in Montana, USA, which gave her a solid foundation in understanding the Bible. Engaging with the Word of God every day in meaningful and transformative ways showed her the importance of Bible literacy in the lives of believers. As a result, she has dedicated her life to helping individuals understand and apply biblical principles to their everyday lives. She hopes to continue to inspire and empower others to deepen their walk with God, making the Scriptures accessible to people of all backgrounds and ages.




Home Country: Canada

Current Residence: Hungary

(due to war in Ukraine)

DTS: 1997-98 / Honolulu, Hawaii

SBS: 2006-07 / Kona, Hawaii, USA

Titus: 2008 / Taiwan

Angela and her husband Ben heard about Titus Project while doing their BCC in Penang back in 2003. They loved the idea of bringing the inductive method to churches that had a lack of access to Bible training. After Malaysia, they did their SBS in Kona in 2006/2007 and moved to Taiwan to learn more about Titus Project from Amy Stevens. They worked there for two years running multiple Titus Projects and taking many outreach teams throughout Asia before being sent out to pioneer the first Titus Project European location in Ukraine. Since 2010, they have worked in Ukraine and have also helped pioneer and run Titus Project at other locations such as Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, England, and India. Currently Angela and her husband Ben are living in Budapest, Hungary due to the war.